USD690 million opportunity for mobile operators in mobile device and application management

Sales of mobile device and application management (MDM/MAM) solutions through channel partners such as mobile operators, system integrators and resellers will grow from around USD210 million in 2012 to reach around USD690 million by 2017, according to a new report published by UK analyst house Innovation Observatory.

Global sales of mobile device and application management (MDM/MAM) solutions through channel partners such as mobile operators, system integrators and resellers will grow from around USD210 million in 2012 to reach around USD690 million by 2017, according to a new report published by UK analyst house Innovation Observatory.

MDM and MAM solutions help businesses to control and manage securely the increasing fleets of smartphones, tablets and other mobile-connected devices used by their employees, as well as the applications that run on those devices. While early users of such solutions have been large North American and European corporations – particularly those that have previously been users of BlackBerry devices, and those operating in regulated markets – the technology is spreading geographically and into many sectors and sizes of organisations.

“We are at the start of significant market growth around the world for MDM/MAM solutions,” explains report editor Danny Dicks, “and we expect that solution vendors will make increasing use of channel partners to reach new territories and types of customer.” Dicks adds that large enterprises will buy through the channel as well as direct: “This is not a market where channel partners are serving only medium-sized and small customers: in fact, those smaller companies are more likely to buy direct, using an SaaS model,” he notes.

Mobile operators have a good opportunity to benefit from this market growth: many specialist MDM / MAM vendors are not big enough in terms of the breadth of their service offer to give businesses everything they need, and they cannot easily expand geographically without partners: mobile operators make very good partners for them because they can provide hosting, integration and support services to complement the core software functionality. Other channel partners include systems integrators (a number of which have made strategic acquisitions in order to build in-house capabilities) and value-added resellers.

The Innovation Observatory report ”Enterprise Mobility, MDM and MAM: Supply, Demand and Market Dynamics “ includes forecasts from 2102 to 2017 for total sales of MDM/MAM solutions in North America, Europe and the rest of the world; it also indicates the proportion of the global market that will be accounted for by on-premises solutions and managed hosted services / software-as-a-service. It estimates how the market breaks down by customer size (in terms of number of employees) and the value of direct and channel sales.

The report identifies target market segments and analyses the supply-side of the market looking at the positioning of different types of player across the value chain. It also profiles ten of the leading vendors of MDM and MAM solutions and compares the scope of their offerings and their market strategy.

The 27-page report costs GBP900 plus applicable VAT and is available directly from Innovation Observatory.


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