Vote for Advanced Balance Systems in Borro Money Making Ideas competition

Cambridge start-up company Advanced Balance Systems Ltd. (a spinout from The Cambridge Medical Centre) has been short listed in the Borro Loans Money Making Ideas competition. The winner will be selected by popular votes so Your Votes (and your colleagues') are Needed!

Please go to: and vote for Advanced Balance Systems to win £10,000 of seed money to kickstart its business.

Advanced Balance Systems was started by local chartered physiotherapist Joshua Wies in order to develop and comercialise disruptive technologies for the physical rehabilitation market.  It's first product, Walkasins, which is due to launch in October, has attracted attention from the medical community and has garnered awards from Cambridge Wireless at the 2011 Discovering Start-Ups competition and more recently won Runner Up with special commendation for commercial potential at the CUTEC TVC 2012.

Walkasins is the first wearable neuro-sensory prosthesis that improves balance, mobility and confidence in people with balance problems and works via haptic feedback to augment impaired balance sensation.  

Advanced Balance Systems is currently seeking partners for fruitful relationships but in the meantime, PLEASE VOTE!  Many thanks...


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