Why do business change initiatives fail?

We’ve all seen this frightening statistic. A staggering 70% of business change initiatives end in failure. This begs two important questions:1) Why do business initiatives fail? And 2) What can you do to improve your chances of success?


To answer these questions, Chris Dunn Consulting Services ran a LinkedIn poll.

The results turned out to be very similar to larger surveys carried out by organisations such as the Harvard Business Review. 

What's fascinating is the additional insight provided by professionals with first-hand knowledge of managing change in a variety of different organisational settings.

We've collated this insight and we're sharing it in this brand-new blog article.


It's definitely worth reading to discover:

1) The number one reason why business change initiatives fail - It's probably not what you think.

2) The truth behind the oft-quoted 70% failure rate - Is this evidence-based fact or just an urban myth?

If you’d like to discuss any of the issues raised or are seeking support with your change management initiatives, please don’t hesitate to get in contact or book your free online consultation.

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