Why now is the perfect time to pivot

Everyone will agree that 2020 was a year of rapid change. 

pivot-point on a railway track

Chris Dunn Consulting writes:

The most important questions now are:

  • What have you learned from 2020?
  • How will you apply that learning to 2021?
  • What opportunities can you seize if you pivot now?

A pivot is a change in direction and is not without risk.

However, for most businesses stubbornly sticking to the original business development plan may prove to be riskier in the mid to long term.

Our latest article looks at recent research into the ways that companies are successfully changing their business models to rise to the challenges of the "next normal".

Regardless of your industry, there are three pivots to your business development plan that you should be considering now.

If you'd like to know more, please don't hesitate to contact us.


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