The first part of the works will take place in the Copley Hill area between the end of the A1307 dual carriageway adjacent to Magog Farm Barns and the junction to Copley Hill Business Park. These works should take around six weeks to complete.
What works will be done?
Improvements to the existing active travel path between the end of the A1307 dual carriageway adjacent to Magog Farm Barns and the junctions at Copley Hill Business Park.
Localised widening, realignment and resurfacing of the existing active travel path.
Increasing the verge between the active travel path and the A1307 main carriageway.
Defining right of way for active travel path users at the Copley Hill Business Park junctions.
Improving visibility for drivers exiting Copley Hill Business Park junctions by reshaping the existing embankment.
Improving signage and road markings.
Some of the vegetation overhanging the highway adjacent to Magog Farm Barns and Magog House will need to be trimmed or ‘crown lifted’.
Traffic management on A1307 during construction
Traffic management on the A1307 will comprise of:
Minor narrowing of the eastbound lane
Temporary 40mph speed restriction
During certain phases of the works, temporary two-way traffic lights will be required during off-peak hours (9.30 am to 3.30 pm).
How will the works affect active travel path users?
Throughout the works, a safe route for active travel path users will always be maintained.
During the times when the works are being undertaken at the rear of the existing path, users will be escorted past the works area.
While temporary lights are in use on the A1307, pedestrians / cyclists will be diverted via the closed section of the A1307 main carriageway.
GCP apologises for any inconvenience these works may cause. However, these works will improve road safety for all road users in the Copley Hill area.
Milestone Infrastructure and their sub-contractors will be implementing safe working practices to ensure that the works are undertaken in accordance with current Public Health England and Government guidance for Covid-19 restrictions.
How do I keep up to date with the project?
If you have any concerns during construction, please do get in touch with Skanska’s project team on or telephone Cambridgeshire County Council’s Contact Centre on 01223 699906.