'Your bits will be ready Tuesday, sir' or 'Building UK regenerative medicine'

'Building a UK manufacturing industry in Regenerative Medicine' is the strapline of this punchy title for Richard Archer's return to the High Value Manufacturing Conference at its 10th Anniversary summit on November 14th. It is hoped that there will be a fine prelude earlier in the day from Sir John Gurdon, who has been awarded the Nobel Prize for work leading to this emergent industry.

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Talk Synopsis for Richard Archer

The ability to repair or regenerate failing parts of the body has an immense potential to transform healthcare, while also creating substantial long-term economic benefits for both investors and society more generally.  Retention of these benefits in the UK requires the pre-emptive development of a national manufacturing capability and the journey to this is described here, from early research through to creation of the Cell Therapy Catapult Centre.


Having taken the reins in the 90s and early 2000s as CEO at The Automation Partnership, Richard has more recently been instrumental in the development of the Regenerative Medicine Catapult for the UK, an emergent business sector that will be of great importance to our lives and economy.

Richard is now chairman of the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Regenerative Medicine at the Wolfson School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University.


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