Presenting and networking: achieve a comedian's confidence

Learn to enjoy presenting and networking with communication coach Jon Torrens. A former stand-up comic, Jon is running a triple bill of group sessions at Cambridge Business Lounge to help you become natural and confident in all your verbal communication.

Dislike presenting? Hate networking? Of course you do; each situation is pretty unnatural. Come and learn how to be creative, convincing and concise in a series of half-day sessions in Cambridge.

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Jon writes: This is a thoroughly interactive programme, in which you'll learn how to communicate confidently and be highly memorable. My stand-up comic skills mean that not only do I know what I'm talking about, but I deliver it all in an enjoyable way. And there are biscuits. Really good ones, too.

Early bird tickets for the first two sessions are available until 11:30pm on March 25th. Buy the deluxe triple ticket, however, and you'll save even more than purchasing all three early bird tickets. Scrummy.

Details of each module in the programme can be found through these links:

'Killer Presenting'

'Killer Presentation Workshop'

'Killer Networking'

Here is a map for Cambridge Business Lounge. 


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