What is 'disruptive talent'? BBC interviews Cambridge firm

What is 'disruptive talent' and how can companies leverage such talent to give their business an edge? BBC News talks to OE Cam, the Cambridge firm of Business Psychologists...


BBC World Business interviews OE Cam's Martyn Sakol along with David Yiend, Chief Executive of AB Agri and Sir Richard Branson.  

What is 'Disruptive Talent' and how can companies leverage such talent to give their business an edge?

'Disruptive Talent’ is a new proposition developed by OE Cam and is a term used to describe individuals who are brilliant but ‘challenging’. They innovate, challenge conventional wisdom and tenaciously find new and better ways to deliver business success. In the past they may have been side-lined due to their unusual approach or inability to function within a team, but now they are being recognised for their potential to revolutionise the firms in which they work.

Sir Richard also offers his own advice on how employers can manage disruptive individuals:

"Look after me, respect me... accept that I may not be doing things exactly as you'd like me to do them"

To hear the full radio interview, please visit: www.oecam.com


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