What do I do if..? How to handle complaints, mistakes and trolls on Twitter

Digital marketing agency Sookio offers top Twitter tips on how to combat trolls, help unhappy customers and deal with mistakes.

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Got the basics of Twitter down but panic when faced with a crisis? In training workshops and client meetings we are often asked what to do about a Twitter pickle, so we’ve got plenty of advice ready to dispense. Here are some of our most-asked questions, and the advice we like to give.

What do I do if I make a mistake on Twitter?

Made a spelling error or tagged the wrong person? It happens to all of us, but there are a few ways to avoid mistakes.

Prevention is better than cure. Whether you’re running a big brand account or a personal one, advanced planning will reduce the risk of mistakes. If you’re using your account professionally it is a good idea to schedule posts in advance because posting ad hoc means mistakes creep in. Try using a content plan or social media scheduling tool; doing this will also ensure your marketing messages are correct, timely and effective.

You can delete it. There’s no hard and fast rule about whether you should delete an incorrect update or not, it depends on the situation. If you spot it seconds after you’ve posted it, then it is usually fine to delete and post the update again.

If you're a large public-facing organisation, for example a news outlet or government body, transparency in your social media communications is essential. So whether you delete it or not, you should explain your approach.

Acknowledge your mistake. If the tweet has been up for a while or if it has had responses then it is best to keep it up. Has anyone pulled you up on your mistake? Politely reply and acknowledge your mistake, you might even be able to make light of it!

Use the ‘quote tweet’ feature to excuse yourself from the mistake too, that’s always a good way to address the problem and get some humour from the situation. This, of course, depends on the subject matter and your business too. Try to take a step back and make that judgement based on your experience.

What do I do if I get a complaint?

Twitter opens up lines of communication between a brand and the customer, which can be beneficial for customer relationships, but you are open to complaints. What should you do?

1.   Respond quickly – the quicker you address the situation the less likely it will escalate. Acknowledge their tweet politely within 1 hour and offer your assistance.

2.   Don’t ignore them – This isn’t good for the customer or for your brand. Research by Provide Support showed that 88% of consumers were less likely to buy if they saw unaddressed complaints.

3.   Use DMs or email – remove the potential for further negative comments and protect personal information by making the conversation private. Follow the person and direct message them to ask for their email or their phone number. You can then handle the complaint as you would an offline complaint.  

4.   Don’t delete the complaint – this can make a brand look very unprofessional or suggest a cover up. If you’ve responded properly below then other followers will see that and the negative tweet can remain. Only delete if a customer is being abusive, offensive or explicit in any way.

5.   Ask why it happened – is the customer’s complaint reflective of weaknesses in your company? Look into the problem internally and see if, for example, you can improve the way orders are delivered or the content on your website.

What do I do if someone is trolling me on Twitter?

If someone is repeatedly sending you negative tweets while refusing to be reasoned with, they are likely to be trolling you. This can happen whether you’re tweeting from a personal or brand account.

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