Five hidden reasons your blog is (probably) failing

Finished writing your next hit blog post? You sure about that? There are all sorts of not-so-optional extras which you can easily include to fill your writing with quick wins and get more blog traffic. Rory Stobo of Sookio explains...

If there’s one thing we like more than blogging over here in the Sookio bunker, it’s blogging about blogging. Metablogging. Blogception! Having written over 85,000 words just for one client on one topic alone (we keep count), we’d say we’re fairly au fait with generating quality, clickable content.

But that’s only the beginning.

So, say you’ve sat down and composed a lovely blog for your business, 700-1,000 words of utter gold, you’ve slung it up online… and now you’re wondering why you’re not rolling in traffic, shares, and money.

Let Sookio take you through some of the finer points of rounding a blog off. Polishing it, refining it, and embellishing it with the little touches that make the difference between throwing a bunch of words at the internet and crafting a winning chunk of content marketing.

Get the titles right

Just like the finest chef in the world would still have trouble shifting food if he called his restaurant ‘Steve’s Shack of Edible Food,’ your fantastic blog isn’t going to bring in the traffic without a catchy title. A lot of writers see titles as afterthoughts to support the main event, but really, they’re what grabs attention in the first place.

Front-load your title with the subject matter of the article. Say for example you’ve written a piece about the best material for making hats. You could write a title like:

Satin and cotton and felt, oh my! Just what is the best material for making a hat?

Good title, but your prospective reader needs to get through about ten words before they work out what your blog is about, aint nobody got time for that. How about this:

The best material for hats? Satin and cotton and felt, oh my!

See how that works? It’s the same title, you’re flexing the same literary genius, but you’re making it so much easier for the audience to click with your blog.

A compelling title is also pretty short, 10-12 words is ideal, and one or two of those words should be keywords, ones which are directly relevant to your field, or to the subject of the blog itself.

The best blog titles are also conversational, they appeal directly to the reader, and offer them something. Such as:

Are these the 5 best materials for hats? Satin and cotton and felt, oh my!

The best material for hats? Learn how to make better hats today!

The best material for hats? Is your favourite on this list?

Nailing your titles and including a keyword also makes it easier for Google to find and rank your blog. Speaking of which…

Meatier metadata

Metadata isn’t scary. Metadata is your best mate. If you view all those extra boxes in Wordpress with suspicion, you’re missing out on a really easy way to give your blog a boost.

Make sure your titles and subheadings are properly H1/H2/H3 tagged, to let Google know what they are. Cram your keywords into the metatags box, you can really go to town here with anything that’s relevant.

As for how to write a good metadescription, treat it like a slightly longer version of your title. It needs to be front-loaded, attention-grabbing, and include a keyword or three to feed the SEO monster, all under 160 characters. This is also a great place to include your location. Remember our blog about hats? How’s this for a metadescription:

Wondering what’s the best material to make hats? We’ve been selling hats in Grimsby for 15 years, so we know our stuff. Join us for a hat-making masterclass!

Start thinking in linking

It helps to view the internet like a party, this is especially true when using it for commercial purposes. When you’re at a party, the last thing you want is to be monopolised by one person banging on about one topic all night. That’s where linking comes into your blog.

Adding links, where relevant, to your blog post makes the whole thing feel like it’s a part of something greater. This, in turn, makes your audience want to learn more, it creates the joy of discovery.

Linking to other bits of your own site gives you an SEO boost by keeping visitors on-site for longer, and it creates a better user experience (UX) for them by making sure you’re clearly addressing one defined topic per page. Trust us, we know all about UX for your website.

Linking out to other sites can be used to reference what you’re talking about, giving you an air of authority and credibility. Links to trusted sources are likely to be rewarded by Google, and if you have someone in mind whose opinion you trust and respect on a topic, you can hook one another up with a reciprocal link or two.

Read the rest of this post on the Sookio blog.

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