How to stand out on LinkedIn

By Kate Brewin, Saffron Social Media

Kate Brewin

If your business is a B2B one, LinkedIn is essential. It helps establish your professional presence, builds credibility, and can generate leads. But with so much noise online you might be wondering how you can stand out.

So here's the good news: simply posting on LinkedIn already sets you apart, as only 8% of users do so.

But to stand out to the right people, you need to be strategic.

Many of us aren’t sure how to get started, don’t fully understand how LinkedIn works, or lack confidence in knowing what to post.

Here are some quick wins to help you stand out on LinkedIn.


Let’s start with your profile.

Your profile should resonate with the people you want to attract to your business, so make it count. Start with a professional profile picture, and don’t forget the background image - it’s a great way to stand out. Graphic tools like Canva are free and can help you create a striking one.

Next, focus on your headline. Instead of just listing your job title, highlight who you help and what you offer. For instance, ‘I help SMEs generate more leads with social media marketing’ is far more engaging than ‘Social Media Manager.’

By doing this, you’ll not only stand out (as not many people do this), you’ll also be directly addressing the needs of your target audience.


Knowing what to post

The million-dollar question is knowing what to post. If you don’t post, you won’t stand out, but figuring out what to talk about can put people off starting.

Want to use LinkedIn to drive inbound leads? Start by writing answers to common questions that your customers might have - and think about what questions your customers have asked you in the past.

An example; a business coach who helps women returning to work post-maternity leave could share tips on re-entering the workplace and setting career goals, as well as stories about clients helped (and testimonials).

Nervous about writing? Remember that practice makes perfect. Writing is like running - the more you do it, the better you get.


A writing style that stands out

If you want your words to stand out, keep in mind that 80% of people check LinkedIn on their phones, and attention spans are short.

Your writing style on LinkedIn should be easy to read, so write as you speak and avoid long words. If you make it too hard for people to figure out what you want to say, they’ll just scroll on by.

Write an engaging first two lines, and think of them as your headline to pull people in, then use plenty of white space to make your posts more readable on mobile devices.


It’s fine to have an opinion

Having an opinion and using it strategically can also help you stand out.

Now, I'm not advocating for clickbait or controversy for its own sake, but being direct and clear about your stance can attract attention and discussion. Align your viewpoint with your target audience, and you'll attract clients who resonate with what you’re saying.


Can you beat the algorithm?

I’m often asked how to beat the algorithm as a way of standing out, but the truth is, you can’t.

Instead, focus on creating content that interests your audience and post when they are likely to be online.

Marketing to parents? Evening posts might be best, when the kids are in bed. Want to target professionals in tech? Try posting first thing in the morning or around lunchtime, when people are more likely to be checking their phones.

At the end of the day, consistency is key; it’s better to consistently post every Tuesday than to have a ‘Linkedin blitz’ for a week and then go silent for months.


Don’t forget to sell.

Most people are on LinkedIn because they have something to sell. But selling’s complex, and no one likes being overtly sold to.

On the other hand, if you’re constantly sharing advice and expertise, potential clients won’t understand what your offer is. So you’ll need to balance your content if you want to stand out and attract the right people.

Here’s my advice; every four to five posts talk about what you do, who you’ve helped and what your impact has been. Share a testimonial or a client story. Explain what your working process looks like.

Totally stuck for inspo and don’t know where to start? Take a look through your LinkedIn feed and check out whose style you like. You can always use the format of these posts as a starting point (changing the words of course).


And finally…

Developing a social media strategy, producing content week in week out and assessing how you’re doing can be time-consuming.

Need help? I’ll help translate your business ideas into posts that will resonate with your audience - and help you stand out.

For more support, email me at - and you can find me on LinkedIn here.