St John's College, University of Cambridge
St. John’s College was founded in 1511 by Lady Margaret Beaufort, the mother of King Henry VII. It is one of the largest of the University colleges and has some 530 undergraduate and 320 post-graduate students, and around 160 Fellows in a very wide range of academic disciplines. The charitable purposes of the College are the advancement of education, religion, learning and research. The College is currently able to accommodate all its students in College and nearby hostels and houses. All Fellows have a study in College and some are fully resident in College. Additionally, the College employs some 250 Assistant Staff. The College is a highly international community with approximately 15% of its undergraduates and 55% of its graduates coming from overseas.
We provide students with a world class education in a diverse, friendly and lively environment where they can exceed their own expectations. We are also committed to supporting research and scholarship of international importance and home to a thriving academic community.