People and Organisational Development - helping businesses achieve their unique goals.
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All businesses experience constant change and it takes leadership at every level to drive this through
... I want to help you develop your people to make that happen.

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Training with Cambridge Network: Interviewing Skills

Successful recruitment is about finding the right person for the job. This means finding the person who has that unique mixture of first-class abilities and is a good cultural fit.

Although simple enough it is often challenging to select the right candidate, especially in a competitive market.

This workshop is designed to equip anyone involved in the interviewing and selection process with a range of skills and techniques they can use to conduct recruitment interviews which are effective, within the law and fits with your company culture.

Who should attend?

  • All people who are involved at any stage of the interviewing and selection process
  • Those managers who are out of practice and require a refresher to their interviewing skills
  • Younger managers and employees who are likely to be involved at a future stage as an observer or additional assessor

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