Cambridge Multi-Physics Limited

Advanced computational multiphysics simulation capability delivered with enterprise-grade security and ease-of-use.
Providing engineers with simulation capability at their finger tips in real-time.

Products for engineering and scientific applications with integrated model building, visualisation and post-processing.


The products offer advanced computational multiphysics simulation capabilities with integrated model building, results visualisation and post-processing.

They enable solutions to a far broader range of science and technology problems, including ones which were previously considered to be intractable.

They do so by simultaneously solving on the same discrete space the underlying mathematical formulations for each of the four states of matter. This is a disruptive departure from the co-simulation approach (coupling single physics software, solved on disparate grids) widely adopted elsewhere.

As such, the CMP approach is a key differentiator when it comes to engineering applications involving interactions of the four states of matter at extreme conditions, such as magnetically-confined fusion and high-energy beam ablation of geological materials.

next generational computational multi-physics - four states of matter at extreme conditions

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