Broom & Moon

Get investment. Win clients. Inspire your team.

All of this starts with knowing who you are and what you stand for.

We’ll help you figure that out and communicate it to the world.

The Broom & Moon story starts with another, older story.

Once upon a time in 1962, President John F. Kennedy was touring the NASA headquarters. During the visit, he came across a cleaner sweeping the floor.

JFK stopped to ask the cleaner what he did at NASA.

The cleaner’s reply?

I’m helping put a man on the moon.

This is a story about the power of a clear, concrete and inspiring vision. A sense of purpose.

Just like NASA’s scientists and astronauts, the cleaner understood the connection between his small daily steps and NASA’s giant leap.

The connection between his broom and the moon.

At Broom & Moon, we exist to help you uncover a similar sense of purpose.

We’ll help you talk about your brand in a way that speaks to the head and heart of your customers, your team and your potential investors.

The result? Faster growth and a bigger impact. 

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