Kate Atkin: Speaker (imposter syndrome) and Consultant

Speaking and facilitating workshops on the impostor phenomenon / imposter syndrome, confidence and presentation skills. Both in-person and online.

For keynotes, seminars and workshops that help to banish imposter thoughts, build confidence, and ensure effective communication contact Kate Atkin, inspirational speaker, facilitator and author.

Dealing with the Inner Critic and Diminishing Imposter Thoughts as well as Effective Communication, Presentation Skills and Confidence Building are just some of the areas covered by Dr Kate Atkin.

Her keynote "Success: What Lies Behind the Mask" and workshops on the imposter syndrome are receiving great aclaim.  Kate wrote the guest blog for the Oxford English Dictionary when the term 'imposter syndrome' entered the dictionary in 2017 and has been awarded her PhD for research into the imposter phenomenon and coping strategies in the workplace from Anglia Ruskin University. Her third book, the Imposter Phenomenon, is due to be published by Pearson in summer of 2025.

Whether a workshop, seminar or conference keynote, all sessions, including online sessions, are interactive and have a practical application to business performance, management and interpersonal skills. 

As an inspirational speaker and author, Dr Kate Atkin is known for her energy, enthusiasm and ability to motivate. Her approach is tailored to suit your specific needs. With over 25 years of training and coaching experience and more than 30 years of business knowledge, she offers a bespoke service. Kate Atkin has experience of working with a wide variety of industry sectors, including financial services, public sector, high tech, not-for-profit and manufacturing. Kate speaks across the UK and Europe, and is reaching a wider audience with her highly effective online events.

Her talks and workshops are interactive and memorable, ensuring the learning is implemented in the workplace.

Kate holds a masters in applied positive psychology and a PhD. She is an award-winning trainer, author of The Confident Manager and The Presentation Workout, both available through Amazon, and a former fellow of the Professional Speaking Association and international trainer for JCI UK

You can contact Kate on kate@kateatkin.com

Charity work: Between October 2011 and June 2012, Kate was proud to support her husband Stuart Jessup, in his 2,600 mile walk around England, raising awareness of mental health.  They were featured in Readers Digest, BBC Radio 4's Ramblings programme with Clare Balding and many local press and radio interviews, including BBC Radio Cambridgeshire and the Evening News.  

Kate continues to support Anxiety UK through her JustGiving page

Products and services

Online webinars and seminars focussing on overcoming imposter syndrome

With many people working from home, what impact is that having on their internal chatter?  When your colleagues aren't around to reassure you that you are doing great work, how do you know if you are? If your brain has a tendency to go into a negative spiral and tells you that you are "not good enough" (despite objective evidence) how do you break it if you are working in isolation?

These and other challenges of remote working and the imposter chatter will be addressed.

An interactive session using Zoom technology to enable you to share your personal experiences of the imposter phenomenon in a confidential environment.


Success: what lies behind the mask?

An exploration of the imposter syndrome and the impact of remote working


Do you experience a nagging doubt that you could be ‘found out’ or perhaps you put your success down to luck or timing?

Have you ever noticed a need to be perfect and avoid making mistakes because they ‘prove’ you are not up to the job?

Would you like to feel more confident, and put yourself forward for new projects, opportunities or even promotion?


Many people have a voice inside that says they could do so much more, at work, in their community or at home.  The internal chatter is sometimes accompanied by a lack of confidence which can prevent you reaching your potential.

Success also comes with its own trials.  Many high achievers have an internal voice asking: “did they really mean to promote me?”, “am I really good enough?”, “what if they find me out?”… and it can be really stressful!  This could be “imposter” chatter, and the irony is that the real frauds don’t tend to experience these thoughts at all.

This online event will give you with the opportunities to discuss your experiences with your colleagues and also provide you with some key tips on how to spot the imposter chatter and overcome it, in yourselves and support others.


Call or email Kate to discuss this for your team or organisation.

07779 646976 kate@kateatkin.com

Find out more

Success: what lies behind the Mask? Keynote speech on the imposter syndrome

There are many people who doubt whether they deserve their success, who wonder when they will be "found out" and who think they have managed to pull the wool over other people's eyes.  If this is you, you could be experiencing the imposter syndrome... an internal feeling of phoneyness.

There are many people who doubt whether they deserve their success, who wonder when they will be "found out" and who think they have managed to pull the wool over other people's eyes.  If this is you, you could be experiencing the imposter syndrome... an internal feeling of phoneyness.

This one-hour interactive keynote, delivered by Kate Atkin, covers what the imposter syndrome is, and isn't (for instance it is really a phenomenon) and provides audiences with practical strategies for overcoming their own imposter feelings, and for helping others tackle the imposter syndrome.

Find out more

The Networking Factor - tips booklet

10 Steps for Effective Networking

Tips booklet, practical and straightforward.  Cost £3.87 per printed booklet - discounts for volume orders available.

Available by emailing your order to kate@kateatkin.com or call 07779 646 976

Find out more

The Confidence Factor - tips booklet

10 tips to boost your confidence in any situation!

Tips booklet, practical and straightforward.  Cost £3.87 per printed booklet - discounts for volume orders available, contact Kate Atkin direct.

Available by emailing your order to kate@kateatkin.com or call 07779 646 976

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The Confident Manager - book

An easy to read, story format for new and established managers. Matt's story tells of lessons learnt through experience, summarised at the end of each chapter.

A compelling read for new, and established managers.  Great lessons, summarised in an easy to read, eloquent story.

Recommended by Amazon readers.

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