2023 Innovate Cambridge Summit - Delivering the strategy

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The Innovate Cambridge steering committee is pleased to invite you to the 2023 Summit, which will be held in The Guildhall, Cambridge on 11 October from noon to 5.15pm, followed by a networking drinks reception.

This summit is about delivering the innovation strategy for Cambridge. We will

  1. Share the output of our work over the last 12 months, the result of 70+ stakeholder interviews, 500+ consultations, 250+ survey respondents and 10+ workshops and townhall events
  2. Outline the proposed vision for Greater Cambridge and how we can deliver the maximum impact to the world 

  3. Discuss the strategic initiatives and deliverables that will help us achieve our vision

  4. Ask for your continued commitment to deliver this in a way that benefits everyone in the ecosystem

An agenda and full list of speakers will be announced shortly. For background and context, please refer to the Innovate Cambridge website.

A pie chart showing innovate cambridge aims

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What is Innovate Cambridge developing?

  1. A shared vision, story and ambition for the Greater Cambridge innovation ecosystem   
  2. A visible commitment from all key stakeholders to deliver an enhanced innovation proposition
  3. A tool to unlock capital and policy to deliver our vision for the UK and the world

The initiative include leaders from industry, the investment community, accelerators, the University and other research institutions, local government, science and technology parks, networks and programmes, start-ups and entrepreneurs.

Innovate Cambridge is a joint partnership between the University of Cambridge, Cambridge Enterprise and Cambridge Innovation Capital. 


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