Ag101 - An Introduction to the Industry

Ag101 is a soft-landing introduction for professionals wanting to enter the agriculture and horticulture industry. This whole-day event will help you to understand the challenges and needs of this dynamic space, the opportunities that technology can offer it, and how to get it "on-farm".


Overview: Keynote Speech - Agriculture "State of the Nation" 

Get an introduction to the present and upcoming obstacles faced by the agriculture sector, as well as insights into the areas where technology will be required in the coming years. Hear about economic trends and factors affecting farmer decision making and broader direction of travel of agriculture.  

What are the current – and future – obstacles facing the agriculture sector? 


Session 1: Farming - a Snapshot

Agriculture has a diverse landscape of farming enterprises. In this session, three farmers from differing backgrounds will invite you to ‘walk a mile in their shoes’. You’ll hear about their unique challenges and how they have effectively integrated technology into their farm operations. 

Session 2: Overcoming adoption barriers to establish long-lasting collaborations

This session considers the motivations and reservations that come with integrating new technologies into complex farm businesses. Our speakers are experienced professionals who work closely with farmers in adopting new technologies on farm. They will explain the process of their interactions and give insights into building effective relationships with farmer-clients. 

Session 3: Innovation in the Agrifood supply chain

This session explores the wider agri-food supply chain, beyond the fields and polytunnels. It considers the needs and opportunities for innovation in the different steps across the value chain, from processing, packing, transporting, and trading. With an overall understanding of the complexities of this multi-agent industry, you will gain better perspective of the role your product or service will play within the supply chain.

Session 4: Who do you need to know to make it happen?

From grant schemes to private investment, this session will cover key sources of early-stage investment for enterprises in agri-tech and explain how to access on-going funds to sustain an innovation concept.  

Additionally, you will get insights into how to enter and navigate in the ecosystem to grow your business. 


Calling all professionals from diverse sectors and disciplines! We invite you to join us for an enriching event designed to especially benefit:



Event price is £90 (excl. VAT) for non-members of Agri-TechE

Members of Agri-TechE will have access to a member discount according to your tier.  To find out more about becoming a member of Agri-TechE, please click here.

Click here to view full event schedule and book your place! 

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