CRUK Cambridge Institute ~ Meet the i.prep and Veon Scientific

Meet the i.prep ~ the simple way to automate manual pipetting tasks, or complement your high throughput screening with efficient hit picking.

i.prep Automation simplicity

Meet the Veon Scientific team and the i.prep at the Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CRUK Cambridge Institute.

Pipetting is a common practice in most laboratories, manual pipetting has it's downsides with variability and potentially the risk of RSI for the end user. The i.prep uses its intuitive flow software to simply convert benchtop methodologies into effective reproducible automated protocols. Examples; one to one, one to many, aliquot etc. simple operations can be stacked to allow for timed waits or labware changes.

Liquid handling automation simply handled, space efficient, with open consumable use in a laboratory hood friendly workstation. Your bridge between trivial and complex liquid handling tasks.

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