Doing business in India

This event will help you achieve your growth ambitions by presenting India's business landscape and offering you networking opportunities.

India now is the world’s 5th largest economy. The United Kingdom is actively negotiating a free-trade agreement with India, and both the countries are expected to sign the agreement by the end of this year. The United Kingdom and India have a major opportunity to collaborate on innovative ideas and help mobile finance for projects. India is actively shifting towards low carbon fuels and has transformed into hub for cleantech innovation. Stronger renewable capacity, greater innovation, and enhanced policy support for its cleantech sector makes India a viable destination for foreign investment.

India has the potential to become one of the largest markets for clean- energy technologies in the future. The Indian market for cleantech products is estimated to grow around $40 billion per year by 2040. India announced that it would be zero by 2070 in the recently concluded COP26 session at Glasgow. It also aims to install 50% of its power capacity through non-fossil fuel resources and reduce carbon emissions by 1 billion tonnes by 2030.

This event will help you better understand the business landscape in India and help you meet important stakeholder that could help achieve your international growth ambitions. Join us for a webinar on opportunities and challenges for companies considering an expansion in India.

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