EU & UK Collaborative Funding Opportunities Webinar and Brokerage: An Innovative Journey with TWIIN

This webinar will update you on the much-anticipated status of the UK vis-à-vis the European Union (EU)’s Horizon Europe programme, and cover upcoming funding opportunities available from the EC and Innovate UK (IUK).

On Wednesday 1 November 2023, the TWI Innovation Network (TWIIN) will host the next UK & EU Collaborative Funding Opportunities Webinar and Brokerage event.

This webinar will update you on the much-anticipated status of the UK vis-à-vis the European Union (EU)’s Horizon Europe programme, and cover upcoming funding opportunities available from the EC and Innovate UK (IUK).

There will also be an opportunity for participants to network with like-minded associates - including  TWI Innovation Centre colleagues and TWI Industrial Members, and Technology Acceleration Programme (TAP) Members of TWIIN - to learn more about EC and IUK collaborative opportunities, and the specific interests of various stakeholders attending the event.

The webinar will consist of informative and interactive sessions, enabling networking among the wider audience, that will include presentations from Horizon Europe UK National Contact Points (NCPs), technology leads from our Innovation Centres and innovation experts at TWI.

Session 1: TWI Innovation Network Services

  • TWIIN and Technology Innovation Management (TIM) services + TWIIN’s digital platform: TWI Orbit

Session 2: Upcoming UK/EU Funding Opportunities

  • Horizon Europe and the UK’s current position – Horizon Europe UK NCP for Legal and Financial
  • Cluster 4: Digital, Industry and Space opportunities – Horizon Europe UK NCP for Digital
  • Cluster 5: Climate, Energy and Mobility – Horizon Europe UK NCP for Mobility
  • Cluster 6: Food, Bio-economy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment - Horizon Europe UK NCP and Global Innovation Lead for Food, Natural Resources and Agriculture
  • Upcoming UK opportunities – TWI

Session 3: Innovation Centres Collaboration Showcase

  • Introduction to TWI Innovation Centres – TWI
  • Spotlight on Innovation Centres' technology offerings and interests – Centre Representatives

Session 4: Facilitated Themed Networking

  • Proposal partner matching and brokerage in virtual networking session 
    • Attended by Innovation Centre and TWI technology group colleagues who have proposals with consortium roles available and/or ideas in the pipeline to further enhance concept development
    • Participants are encouraged to find out about the above and to express interest after the event

Who should attend?

This webinar has been specifically designed for TWI Industrial and Innovation Network Members, and Innovation Centres, TWI staff based in the UK and EU with an interest in learning more about, and participating in, collaborative projects for IUK, Horizon Europe and Research Council funding calls, and TWI's university partners. This webinar is also open to non-members who are interested in learning about TWIIN.

The workshop is free-to-attend, book your place today.

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