ideaSpace Business Basics with Ludo Chapman

Hear experienced professional strategy facilitator, Ludo Chapman, discuss the tools and techniques you need to tackle the strategic challenges your start-up or small business may be facing.

Business Basics with Ludo Chapman

Q & A with Ludo Chapman

Ludo Chapman has over 35 years’ business experience ranging from launching and leading start-ups to running a mid-sized business. After setting up his own software training company then running a scientific instruments company, Ludo has since turned his attention to helping start-ups to raise capital, lead product launches and set up sales channels, both in B2B and consumer markets. 

As an experienced professional strategy facilitator, Ludo will discuss some of the key strategic challenges he sees many start-ups face and provide advice and techniques to tackle them. In particular, Ludo will focus on...

  • The importance of testing when it comes to executing your idea
  • How to create a business model and use the Business Model Canvas as a tool to develop either a new model or document an existing one
  • How to understand the cost of acquiring new customers
  • How to approach strategy planning

So join us online to hear Ludo's strategy advice for your start-up, hosted by Ben Hartley, Head of ideaSpace. There will be time for lots of questions - so make sure you come armed with yours! 

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