Who Needs a Sponsor Licence? How to Apply & Why

Join us on this webinar to hear how a sponsor licence could assist your business

webinar Who Needs a Sponsor Licence? How to Apply & Why

 Who needs a sponsor licence
Why you may need a sponsor licence
How to apply for a sponsor licence


Welcome to our first webinar of our new 2023 series.

In this webinar, we will be discussing what a sponsor licence is and who needs one. A sponsor licence can be a key tool for any legally operating business in the UK, or companies who are opening an entity in the UK. This licence enables companies to recruit Skilled migrant workers from overseas or transfer staff from their overseas offices to support and assist the UK business.

Webinar programme

Join us on this webinar to hear how a sponsor licence could assist your business:

  • Who needs a sponsor licence
  • Why you may need a sponsor licence
  • How to apply for a sponsor licence
  • Q&A

Who is this webinar aimed at?

  • HR professionals
  • Line managers
  • Business owners
  • Those who are looking to expand their knowledge and are responsible for employment issues within their organisation.

As always, if you have any other questions regarding HR, Employment or Immigration advice please do contact us on 0207 494 0118 or info@davidsonmorris.com

We look forward to meeting you online.

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