A poignant book - published for EACH charity

A poignant book featuring an eclectic mix of stories and anecdotes has been published for charity.

For Want of a Nail Jill Adderley

"While I can't change the past, my hope is that this book helps today's families and gives them a quiet corner to share their stories with people who understand" - For Want of a Nail is released in time for Christmas.

For Want of a Nail has been penned by a group of five enthusiastic writers from the Shelford Scribblers group.

They have joined forces to release a book in time for Christmas and all proceeds will go to East Anglia's Children's Hospices (EACH).

The title comes from a medieval proverb, teaching children the simple fact that all actions have a consequence.

Jill Adderley is one of the contributors and writes about her time working in Birmingham General Hospital.

She discovered the children’s ward there after joining the haematology department in 1969.

"Hospitals were run very differently in those days but I soon noticed the plight of families with nowhere to sit and talk to others going through the same situation," she said. The custom was that patients stayed in bed all day and visitors were only allowed in the evening. However, mixing with other parents wasn't permitted so they'd often be seen sitting by beds, unable to share their feelings with others who understood. The staff were kind and good but what we needed was a place for them to share their experiences - somewhere to bond together in a deeply personal way.

Now, thank goodness, care for children and their families has changed forever and we have fantastic, amazing organisations like EACH."

"However, even when I married, moved away and had children of my own, I never forgot those days in Birmingham.

"Those children and parents deserve to be remembered and, while I can't change the past, my hope is that this book raises funds to help today's families and gives them a quiet corner to share their stories with people who understand."

Other contributions in the book include chapters titled 'From Little Acorns Oak Trees Grow', 'The Kunzle Cake Shop', 'The Ladybird Book of Beer' and 'A Door to Open the World'.

"It's a real 'lucky dip' and a complete mix of styles, ranging from cheerful tales to other pieces that are more poignant and reflective," added Jill.

"There's something for everyone and, as a writing team, we're very proud of our book.

"Hopefully it makes a real difference in terms of raising both funds and awareness."

For Want of a Nail costs £10 and is available to buy from the EACH shops in Milton Road and Cherry Hinton Road, both in Cambridge.

EACH is currently running a ‘Be the difference’ campaign, to recruit extra volunteers for its 47 shops and Retail Distribution Centre, in Thetford.

The initiative runs until the end of the month. Posters will be on display and staff and existing volunteers on hand to answer questions and explain more.

For more information, speak to a member of staff in-store or contact volunteer services on 01223 205183. Alternatively, email volunteerservices@each.org.uk

To find your nearest EACH shop, head here.

Image: Martyn Postle (www.phandb.com)

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