WaveFX produces Churchill hybrid global conference

he International Churchill Society (ICS) hosted a two-day hybrid conference which included live debate from Sir John Major, Lord Hague and Jonathan Dimbleby, plus pre-recorded contributions from Randolph Churchill, George W Bush and Lord Dobbs.

This high-profile event was filmed and streamed live from Churchill College. Local webcast production company WaveFX provided all the expertise, equipment and crew to manage the two-day hybrid conference including months of pre-production and editing of pre-recorded videos and zoom calls.

For over 30 years, scholars, students and Churchillians from around the world have gathered at the highly popular International Churchill Conference held each year in either North America or United Kingdom.

Watch the video here: https://www.wavefx.co.uk/portfolio-items/hybrid/

Due to the COVID restrictions, this was the first year the event was held online and has won high praise from the organisers, contributors and viewers, with the webcast reaching an audience of thousands across 62 countries.

The high production values and quality of the webcast were frequently commented upon.

Charlotte, Webcast Producer at WaveFX , said:“Hybrid and virtual events are no different from any physical event, the presenters should be engaging and well-rehearsed, the content informative and relevant, and visually the set and stage well-lit using only professional cameras and microphones. What virtual does offer which is really exciting is the ability to connect more with the audience through interactive polls, voting and live Q&A sessions”

WaveFX have been in the webcasting and hybrid conference industry for over 20 years, filming and streaming remote presenters and panellists into live events and webinars. They use professional tools, equipment and experience to manage remote contributors and presenters seamlessly into any event, allowing for real-time contributions and Q&A.

Unsure how or where to stream to?  Please do get in touch and we’d be happy to talk through all the options for your latest hybrid conference (however crazy).

Call Jamie at WaveFX on 01223 505600 or email hello@wavefx.co.uk


#virtualmeeting #webcastproduction #virtualevents #livestream

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