Strategic Planning

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Strategy is something many people think is a bit of a ‘dark art’, and only for those with MBAs.  Others think they know how to do strategy well, but even they often find it difficult to translate it into operational activity.  These views are very common.

In this two day workshop, you’ll explore what strategy is, what it should do, and how it can do it.

You’ll explore the use of frameworks to help you develop your strategy and familiarise yourself with some management tools to help you translate it into an operational plan.

By the end of the session you will have a good idea as to what your organisation's strategy should be, some frameworks to help you develop it with your team, and some tools to help you turn it into reality.

A good strategic planning process can unite, inspire, empower and engage.  And it’s no ‘dark art’, anyone can do it well if shown how!


  • Learn about the function of purpose, mission, vision and values and how to draft them effectively.
  • Utilise strategic planning frameworks to help you develop a holistic strategy.
  • Use a structured approach to translate strategic analysis to operational plan.
  • Develop a suite of management tools to ensure your operational plan is effectively implemented and enabled.


Day 1

  • The role of strategy
  • The foundations of strategy: mission, vision and values
  • Internal Factors Analysis
  • External Factors Analysis
  • Trand & Changes Analysis

Day 2

  • Goals, Objectives and Key Results
  • Resource Planning
  • Measures
  • Organisational Design
  • Risk Management
  • Formulating & communicating your business plan
  • The role of your Board


Duration 2 days
Member* cost pp £930+VAT
Non-member cost pp £1395+VAT
Details Free parking, lunch provided

*Membership from £100+VAT per annum - join now and save on training