Think Before You Speak

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When we flounder or can’t find the words we need, when we need them, we lose credibility. On the other hand, overly slick responses or ‘clever’ evasion isn’t the answer either. When we are asked questions or challenged, we need to come up with clear, concise and credible responses, quickly!

That is what this course does. Using the power of structure, you will learn how to take control and stay in control, providing meaningful and easy to understand answers to even the most challenging questions and requests for updates.

Who is this course for?

  • Anyone who needs to get their point across clearly, concisely, persuasively, and memorably.
  • Anyone who is involved in meetings, presentations, discussions, and briefings, and is likely to be asked questions without time to prepare in advance.

One of the best training courses I've participated in. Lots of practice which although challenging was really valuable. Great trainer, very engaging and also adaptable.


By the end of the training course, you will have learnt the skills to:

  • Ensure that your initial response makes sense
  • Structure your ideas so that they are understood and remembered
  • Get to the point quickly and say what you need to say efficiently
  • Flesh out your thoughts with memorable examples
  • Give you the confidence you need to respond credibly and persuasively

How is it different from presentation skills or communication training?

Think Before You Speak focuses on the many occasions when we are asked an unexpected question, challenged out of the blue, or simply need to give a quick update on a situation or explain a decision. In these situations, there is no time to prepare, and we need to come up with the right words, in the right order, now!

Really enjoyed this highly practical and well delivered class. Sara tailored what they offered to the group, answered questions and built our confidence delivering the frameworks. I worked with everyone in the group which was brilliant and I will highly recommend this course to others. Great course, well delivered with top content.

Course Content

This is a highly practical course focused on mastering the skills that have the greatest impact on your ability to effectively respond every time.

The Initial Response

  • Accepting the question
  • Clarifying meanings and intent
  • Buying yourself time

The Full Response

  • A simple but powerful framework for responding credibly every time
  • 2, 3 and 4 part structures – the power of three to structure ideas
  • How to deviate to alternatives as necessary

Adding Colour

  • Using anecdotes and stories
  • Choosing the right examples to expand your points

Dealing With Complexity

  • Appearing to ‘blag it!’
  • Combining approaches and strategies in situations requiring more complex explanations
  • Adapting when you only have a few seconds to give your response
Duration 1 day
Times 09.30-16.30
Member* cost pp £510+VAT
Non-member cost pp £765+VAT
Details Free parking, lunch provided

*Membership from £100+VAT per annum - join now and save on training  

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