Are employers responsible for the sick leave of workers they've sponsored?

Immigration lawyer Julie Moktadir says the demands of the health and care sector often sees employers asking questions in respect of sponsored workers.

Immigration lawyer Julie Moktadir

"They are," says Julie, a partner at Cambridge law firm Stone King. "Employers are responsible for the workers they sponsor in the UK and face a raft of compliance obligations, focused on key reporting and recording keeping duties.

"This means, where a sponsored employee is sick, employer sponsors must ensure they can document reasons for and have a process for reporting absence and reduction of salary where required to do so."

Good communication is key, with Julie adding: "Sponsored workers should be fully informed of absence and sick pay policies and procedure in a non-discriminatory manner." 

Sponsor licences and the ability to recruit further care workers are at risk if a Home Office audit uncovers irregularity in your immigration or employment practices.

Stone King is at Bateman House, 82-88 Hills Road in Cambridge and on 01223 351000.


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