Boring but sadly necessary blog

I know it’s annoying, but if you want to be a success, this tedious irritant is entirely, utterly, wholly and 100% indispensable...

Simon lecturing a group

We’re just beginning the eighth run of my course, Compelling Communication Skills…

And something remarkable has happened.

Every week, we hold a live lecture:

To discuss what we’ve covered in that week’s module.

But also to build on it with some new communication insights, whether writing, storytelling, or public speaking.

Every single run of the course, for almost two years now, I've re-visited the lectures.

And every single time I've made changes to try to improve them.

So, I duly went about my duty, ready for this current run of the course…

Which is when the previously mentioned something remarkable happened. 

I realised I didn’t need to make any amendments or alterations. 

None. Zero. Zip.

Which took me by surprise. So much so that I repeated the process the following day. 

But happily, again I found nothing I needed to change.

I was still feeling I must be missing something, so I bounced the lectures off a colleague.

And they came back with the same response. 

- Nothing needed to change.

So, to the point of this blog:

If you want to be a success, achieve splendid things, fulfil your potential and do the best you possibly can…

There’s that tedious, irritating, annoying step you have to go through.

- Work. Or, to be more accurate:

- Hard work. Or, to be even more accurate:

- Bloody hard work.

The only reason the lectures on Compelling Communication Skills are now the best, most engaging and most effective they can be… 

Is because of two years of revisions.

And that - don’t forget - following the year of planning and preparation we put in as we created the course.

Hard work: 

There’s just no substitute for it, whatever you might be doing.

In fact, in conclusion, as I often say, in my usual hilarious manner:

To be an overnight success…

Takes years of work.

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