The first episode in 2025: a 30-year reflection on UK-China relations from a UK businessman's perspective.
Welcome to a conversation that spans continents and decades, a personal reflection that delves into the past, analyses the present and looks at the future of the UK-China relationship.
In the first episode of our podcast in 2025, host Ting Zhang, Founder & CEO, is joined by a remarkable guest, Alan Barrell, Chairman of Cambridge Worldwide Associates – an international company, consulting, researching and advising on business and education with a special interest in China-West connections and relationships.
Their conversation explores Alan’s memories of and insights into the historical context and trajectory of UK-China relations over the past thirty years from the perspectives of a Cambridge-based educator, business executive, and promoter of cross-cultural exchange.
You can listen here:
In Alan’s words:
- "In some ways, China has become the innovation lab of the world. An enormous amount of work has been done in China to turn ideas into products, and many international companies are investing there. So, we should be aware that China has many abilities, capabilities, and possibilities."
- "I could immediately engage with these young people in their early 20s. And I could immediately attach to them in terms of understanding and emotional interest at a cultural level, as people. "
- "What touches their hearts is what touches my heart, and it is all about human values, pride, success, how you feel about other people, and honour… if we look at things that really matter in life and how relationships can be built between people, I feel very strongly in affinity with these Chinese people I met."
- "I’m hopeful that if we keep going and build on the things that we can do, and see where and when we can influence the government positively to think openly and creatively, then maybe step by step we can see things moving forward. It won’t be a dramatic move in any direction."