A business to business energy consultancy improves accuracy of data and speed of sales with API integration

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EcoSave was burdened with a time-consuming sales process. Each sales call had to be recorded and checked to form a binding verbal energy contract.

A prepared ‘script’ was read out to clients as part of the sales process. Content had to be manually entered which resulted in errors that took time to rectify, slowing down the sales process.

The API integration allows EcoSave to pull information directly from their CRM into the energy contracts. These are then digitally signed by the client. This means that there are no errors nor a need to listen through the sales recordings. Resulting in the quality team being reduced by 50%.

EcoSave now enjoys a smoother sales process using the APIs which were implemented within days.

Doc2 is the biggest tool for time saving and accuracy, by far, we have ever had.

Mark Whitton, Managing Director, EcoSave Gas and Power


EcoSave Challenges

EcoSave is in a sector facing a perfect storm of challenges – the tail end of covid, energy prices, and regulatory change.

Before Doc2, EcoSave had a fragmented selling process which encompassed the sales, reporting and quality teams, all essential to ensure compliance. Key data for contracts had to be manually entered, which meant that around 10% of contracts failed internal checks. Each sales call, lasting on average 30 minutes, had to be re-listened for quality control purposes.

Customers had to read a robot-style script to ensure compliance which slowed down the sales process and made the interaction feel disjointed and impersonal. 

“We wasted time on admin which could have been used to drive growth.”

How Doc2 Helped

EcoSave now enjoys a sleek sales process. The Doc2 APIs were implemented within a couple of days, resulting in a rapid introduction to the companies existing sales processes. 

The API integration has made a huge difference to EcoSave. As Doc2 is now linked to the company’s CRM, there is complete confidence in the validity of data populating contracts. With Doc2 all contracts are sent with correct information during a sales call. 

It is not possible to send out a contract with inaccurate or missing data. Thus saving time and improving accuracy. 

“The implementation of the system was seamless. It didn’t take any incentive to get the team to use it or any additional focus. It just worked the first time. It was very very easy to implement”.

15-30 MINUTES SAVED - On average per sales contract

50% FEWER STAFF NEEDED IN QUALITY TEAM - Through the use of the API integration. These team members were deployed into sales.

COMPLIANCE WITH CRM - Ensures accuracy, and the reassurance that all data is correct.

Read the full success story here.

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