Cambridge Ahead summarises its progress in 2015

If its first year was one of quiet development of its agenda items, 2015 has been a year when Cambridge Ahead has made real progress in key projects. This Winter briefing comes at a time when its membership has reached 38 organisations.


Now re-named CA Briefing, this update from Cambridge Ahead is the first since the launch of The Case for Cambridge, an initiative to central Government aimed at getting vital investment in infrastructure and skills to enable the region to grow sustainably. 

It is clear that much progress has been made since the last newsletter in May, especially in the Growth, Skills and Education areas; the former because new growth data was released in June (with more to be released in January); Skills because a new enterprise called Form the Future has just been launched to enhance employer engagement with schools; and Education as a result of the Chancellor’s undertaking to overhaul schools funding in his November Spending Review.

The Project groups now number five, as a result of pairing Growth with Commercial Space, and Education with Skills. View this Briefing (No. 7) as an e-zine or 12-page PDF.


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