A Cambridge blueprint of character

Last night, the event professionals behind some of Cambridge’s brilliant blue installations returned to illuminate the city’s more characteristic landmarks as part of the global #makeitblue campaign.

From the world’s oldest debating society to Queen Victoria's favourite view, via a 900-year-old round church, the #ShineBright team was thrilled to be able to add a fresh colour palette to the stunning sites. 

Featuring a solitary punter heading down the backs of Cambridge and under the Bridge of Sighs, the team at St John’s College, welcomed the opportunity to show their support of the hardworking NHS.

Professor Tim Whitmarsh, Vice-Master of St John’s College, said: “We in St John’s are proud to show our gratitude to all those serving in the front line during the coronavirus pandemic. The NHS is the backbone of our nation: we are pleased to lend our iconic Bridge of Sighs to the collective appreciation of the efforts and sacrifices of individual workers.”

Usually known for its raised voices inside, the oldest debating society in the world, The Cambridge Union, shouted until blue in solidarity for keyworkers across the nation.

General Manager of The Cambridge Union, Joe Burham said “We are delighted to play a small part in the celebration and appreciation of our wonderful National Health Service. Thanks to the array of event professionals who have come to make this possible.”

Finally, one of Cambridge’s most characteristic buildings, the Round Church made an incredibly powerful statement as it displayed text from the original leaflet announcing the arrival of the NHS in 1948.

“The Round Church is honoured to take part in this wonderful initiative. We are deeply grateful for NHS staff and essential workers across the country and are humbled by their self-sacrificial actions. Our prayers are with you during this challenging time."- The Round Church Visitor Centre

For the safety of all, the planning of this campaign was done from the organisers' homes, and the venues kept private until the installations were removed. The team looks forward to illuminating more secret venues over the coming weeks using the same strict precautions.

The #ShineBright team is made up of kind-hearted event professionals: The Crane Event, JMPS, Pink Lamp, Blueshed, and JezO’s.

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