"For most people, the deadline to apply to the EUSS was 30 June 2021," said Julie.
"However, in some cases applications can still be made after 30 June 2021.
"The guidance states that those with ‘reasonable grounds’ as to why they did not apply to the scheme by the deadline may still be able to apply.
"However, for those who do not hold a valid passport and require a paper application form, it is important to note that these applications can now only be made with confirmation from the EU Settlement Resolution Centre (EUSRC).
"Furthermore, paper applications can no longer be submitted by email unless the applicant is issued with a unique application number from the EUSRC."
If you are concerned about your status in the UK, or would like support with an application, please contact Julie Moktadir on 0800 111 4336 or JulieMoktadir@stoneking.co.uk.
Stone King is at Bateman House, Hills Road in Cambridge.