Civil engineers elect new chairman

The East of England Region of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) has a new Chairman. Andy Kenyon was elected at the regional Annual General Meeting held in Colchester on Tuesday 2 October 2012.

The Chairmanship is for a two-year term and Andy takes over from Chris Graves of the Suffolk Branch. Until recently Andy was Chairman of the ICE Essex Branch and now continues as Vice-Chairman.

The AGM also saw Treasurer Paul Mitchelmore standing down after 11 years to become Regional Vice-Chairman. His elected successor is Andrew Cowburn who was Regional Chairman 2008-2010.

The meeting was held at Firstsite a new contemporary arts centre in Colchester. Before the meeting delegates and guests were treated to a tour of the current exhibition 'Sorry I'm Late' by Anthea Hamilton. Drawing on the histories of art, performance and cinema Anthea designed a walk around collage inspired by New York's energetic 1970s disco scene, the dazzling beauty of Venice and the highly stylised conventions of Japanese theatre. The exhibition runs until 25 November.

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