Coming together in new ways to tackle inequality

New report into the role that social impact investment can play in Cambridge.

Volunteer chefs prepare meals for those in need

It Takes A City, along with Cambridge City Council, commissioned Achieve Good to write a report into how social impact investment could be used to address issues relating to homelessness and insecure housing in the city.

Cambridge has a growing economy, with strong levels of employment benefitting from globally prestigious universities, as well as flourishing industries in key sectors such as deep tech, life science, research and finance.

Yet the city is still amongst the most unequal in the UK, with many struggling to make ends meet.

Laughter in the kitchen as volunteers prepare meals

The report reviews a range of local issues and identifies a potential theory of change where place-based social impact investment and blended finance could help to tackle local inequality through interventions across housing and homelessness, skills education and employment, community resilience and environmental transformation.

Read the report.

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