Cost-effective, easy to use tools for team working: fiction or reality?

Today’s working practices are driving a growing need for cost-effective, easy-to-use tools to help team working, and yet anecdotal evidence indicates that many of the collaboration tools available are falling short on both counts. Cambridge developer Rabbitsoft, has developed Clinked to plug a gap in the market and is offering a one-day drop-in surgery this Thursday (6 September).

The informal one-day drop-in surgery on Thursday 6 September at St John's Innovation Centre, Cambridge, is for people who are either frustrated by the tool they're using or looking for a simple, cost-effective way to get their team(s) working better.

  • Research commissioned by Manpower found that 19% of the EU workforce were 'mobile' (spending more than 10 hours a week working remotely) in 2011
  • A report by California based Radicati in 2011 found that corporate email users send and receive an average of 105 emails per day
  • For every Internet user, there are 1.3 email accounts
  • Teams are increasingly collaborating across different time zones

Combine these factors with the huge volume of digital content being developed collaboratively by teams at any given time and the growing integration of social networks in our daily lives, and it’s easy to see why businesses today need smarter ways for teams to work more efficiently in real time.  However, growing demand inevitably creates choice and it can be difficult for businesses to identify the best product for their needs.  Recognising this, the Clinked team is running a ‘drop-in’ day in the Cormack Room at St John’s Innovation Centre on Thursday 6 September 2012.  They’re inviting people to come and extol the virtues of tools they like, sound off about the ones they don't like or just pick the team's brains. 

Founder Tayfun Bilsel says: “Clinked is a scalable tool that can have teams set up, sharing and collaborating in minutes.  It has wiki functionality, good social interaction and a robust freemium package so we are confident that it plugs a gap but in a competitive market we welcome the opportunity to talk about the competition and improve our understanding of the end user’s needs.  If people are interested in finding out more about Clinked’s functionality and the freemium package, that's a bonus.”

The Clinked team will be in the Cormack Room (conveniently located next to the restaurant!) from 8.30am - 6pm on Thursday 6 September to chat, debate and/or demo Clinked.  Everyone that signs up for Clinked before 30 September 2012 will be entered into a prize draw to win a Google Nexus 7 tablet. 


Further information:

Marcie Bell, The Foundry House

T: 01480 880986



Tayfun Bilsel, Rabbitsoft

T: 01223 244845

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