Project Management and Leadership (14-15 May) is a two-day workshop aimed at managers who lead teams and projects, but who already have some basic knowledge and understanding of the processes.
The content assumes that you will have some experience of project working and that you are responsible for running at least one project. The focus is on the leadership aspects of project working, while still covering tools and techniques.
The workshop will:
- Introduce you to the skills, tools and challenges of leading a successful project
- Provide you with an opportunity to practise leadership skills and tools
- Enable you to identify personal learning and prepare a personal development plan
Find out more and sign up here.
Today’s PA later in the month (28th and 29th May) is a definitive total-immersion workshop that will help you maximise your role as a PA.
However you became a PA – and it’s surprising just how many PAs say it happened to them almost by accident – your position is unusual in many ways. No other role in business places so much reliance on the absolute capability of one individual to provide unwavering and comprehensive support to a senior executive.
Working in the shadow of someone important and busy, it’s difficult to avoid your own needs and aspirations being overlooked – by you and others. This workshop brings you out of the shadows and into the light as you become aware of the critical part you play in your organisation’s success and how you can give your career a boost as well.
It will give you the knowledge and tools to ensure you become the indispensable aide and business associate your manager needs – so much more than a secretary. We also make sure you begin to appreciate your real worth - not just to your manager and yourself, but to the whole organisation - and arm you with the confidence and assertiveness necessary to be not just good at your job, but brilliant.
The rewards for this fresh, new approach to your role and the enhanced outlook on your career and life it delivers, will quickly become apparent in the weeks and months following the workshop.
And because the course is designed by successful PAs, for PAs, rest assured – it will be the most career (and even life) changing two days you will spend.
Find out more and sign up here.
Did you know that every level of Cambridge Network membership means you automatically have the right to book on to any of the Network's quality Learning Collaboration courses at any time? A wide spectrum of soft skills, technical and leadership development courses are on offer throughout the year, so sign up now to build your capabilities...
The Learning Collaboration works on behalf of Cambridge Network members to organise, purchase and share training and management development opportunities, delivered locally. That means all members benefit from economies of scale, gaining improved access to high quality professional training courses at value-for-money prices.
Network membership means you automatically have the right to book on to any LC course at any time, while some categories of membership actually include LC training units.