eg technology launch Technology Readiness Level (TRL) assessment

eg technology launch Technology Readiness Level (TRL) assessment

Comprised of both a self-assessment diagnostic tool, through which innovators can assess the Technology Readiness Level of each integral element of their development, and a Framework, detailing the stages of product development maturity, our TRL assessment is a practical way for innovators to assess the status of their technology and understand the level of work required in order to bring their technology to market. Aligned with the Horizon Europe TRL scale, the eg model demonstrates how the TRL scale integrates with the product development roadmap, providing innovators with strategic actions on which they should focus in order to streamline their route to market and maximise their chance of product success.

Director at eg, Rouzet Agaiby says:

Product development is highly nuanced and extremely complex. At eg, we are lucky to work on a wide variety of projects and extremely innovative product developments; however, one common issue we encounter is the varied interpretation of how far along the development roadmap a product really is. TRLs are utilised across industries and applied regularly within product design and engineering to assess the maturity of the critical technology being developed. However, there are very few TRL scales which directly integrate with the full product development roadmap, incorporating both clinical and commercial pathways. By integrating TRLs into our development roadmap, we are able to give innovators better visibility and a clearer understanding of the needed processes and requirements. This tool will therefore be invaluable in ensuring critical steps aren’t missed, developments are optimised and in turn the route to market is accelerated”.

Lois Dixon, eg Marketing Manager says:

The eg TRL assessment is a fantastic way for innovators to get a snapshot of where they are on their route to market and identify any gaps in their programme which may need additional expertise or resource. This insight is crucial for those applying for additional funding, as they can then build a business case around those specific areas which require investment. Whether the assessment is carried out by those confident in their programmes or those requiring a full gap analysis, this self-assessment will provide an indication of where optimisations can be made or further resources are required”.

Take part in our TRL self-assessment and you can assess the maturity of your development, uncover gaps in your programme, identify areas for long-term investment and pinpoint opportunities for strategic growth.

Take part in eg’s TRL self-assessment now

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