Eliminate risk when speaking

Communication coach Jon Torrens describes how to make things a little easier when making a presentation.


Jon writes:

Take No Chances

When it comes to presentations, I think you should minimise the risks by preparing:

  1. Don’t rely on Powerpoint/slides.
  2. Rehearse until you are at one with your material.
  3. Visit the venue beforehand and get familiar with its size, layout and technology (projection, amplification and lighting).

The Unexpected

That’s what you can control. But I guarantee that unexpected things will happen, and this is the crucial stage, when you have to adapt. If you can’t show your sides for any reason, you need to be able to still deliver effectively. Have printed notes, and get used to Powerpoint accompanying your words, not the other way round. Also be ready for:

  1. Tech failure of any kind.
  2. Latecomers.
  3. Cold, paralysing fear on a scale you had not anticipated.

There are many more, but number three’s the biggie. Your key to dealing with them is preparation – it’s the life jacket you need when jumping into the uncomfortable waters of public speaking.


Image credit: Hillye http://pixabay.com/en/users/HIllye-818876/

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