Homerton Conference Centre and Cambridge Cookery School announce an exciting new recipe!

Homerton College's newly appointed Sales & Marketing Manager, Gail Norfolk, has announced an exciting new product launching in January 2014.

When Gail set about researching a new approach for Team Building she found the answer literally staring her in the face – right across the road!  The winner of the UK’s Best Cookery School in 2013 is just a scone's throw away from Homerton College ….an existing client and next door neighbour. The two overlook each other from the Conference Centre Reception and voila, a new partnership was formed!

Gail and Tine Roche, founder of the Cambridge Cookery School, have created a culinary-themed, prestige team building product  which can be tailored to the individual needs of the company.  The sessions can be booked for meetings of seven or more people and can be designed to be relaxing and informal or with varying degrees of competitiveness.

Cooking together is a fantastic way to build teams and forge closeness, and by combining the expertise of the best UK cookery school and the beautiful historic conference venue of Homerton College, the pair have created a gastronomic triumph.

Gail and Tine see this as a fantastic opportunity to develop their range of services and further promote Homerton and The Cambridge Cookery School both nationally and internationally.


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