Innovation challenge: Improving the experience of people living with rare disease

Eastern AHSN has a wealth of expertise helping innovators turn their ideas into positive health impact, which is why it has partnered with Cambridge Rare Disease Network (CRDN) to identify and support innovations than can have a dramatic impact for the millions of people living with or supporting someone with a rare disease.

Previous CRDN RAREsummit from

Eastern AHSN  writes:

Together, we have developed three healthcare challenge statements which we are asking the innovation community to help us solve.

We’re now inviting you to share your solutions to these challenges and submit them to our innovation challenge before midday on 7 September.

Submissions to this competition will be judged and scored by an expert panel, and the five highest scoring innovations will be invited to present their solution at CRDN’s RAREsummit on 7th October 2021.

Our challenge statements

  1. How might we use digital technology or AI to improve access and availability of clear, reliable health information about rare diseases for patients, family members, healthcare professionals and/or members of the public?

  2. How might we use AI and digital technology to improve coordination of care for people living with rare diseases?

  3. How might we use digital technology to maintain wellbeing and reduce mental fatigue for people living with rare diseases?

Click here to respond to the innovation challenge and to find out more

We want to hear from you

If you have a great idea that could meet the challenges set out above, please share via the link above. All submissions will be offered support by Eastern AHSN if required, regardless of competition outcome or stage of development.

Image: Raised hands at a previous CRDN RAREsummit

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