Italian bobbies on the beat in Cambridge

Italian police officers will be hitting the streets of Cambridge this week to learn more about the role of community policing.

The week-long visit has been arranged by Anglia Ruskin University and the Regional Policing College of Emilia Romagna, which trains municipal police officers to serve in the Modena and Bologna areas of northern Italy.

It is hoped that the 11 Italian police officers can learn directly from the experiences of their Cambridgeshire counterparts as well as study innovative approaches to community safety as taught by the Department of Family and Community Studies at Anglia Ruskin.

The visit came about after Stephen Moore, Reader in Social Policy at Anglia Ruskin (pictured), discussed policing and community safety at a conference in Italy.

He explained: “Policing in Italy has traditionally been much more reactive, for example responding to crimes, checking documents or controlling the public. 

“The idea of having police officers walking around neighbourhoods and responding to local concerns is very much in its infancy in Italy compared to the UK, and we hope that the visit will allow us to share our knowledge and experience in these areas.”

In addition to spending time with police officers and community support officers at Parkside police station, the week’s activities also include a number of academic tutorials, a reception with Cambridge’s Mayor, Councillor Ian Nimmo-Smith, and a visit to the Cambourne Youth Partnership.

Former Cambridgeshire Chief Constable Julie Spence has been active in promoting the visit as has Tom Jefford, Head of Youth Support Services at Cambridgeshire County Council.  It is hoped that this visit will lead to the development of a long-term programme between Anglia Ruskin and the Italian Municipal Police Forces.


For more press information please contact:

Jon Green on t: 0845 196 4717, e:

Andrea Hilliard on t: 0845 196 4727, e:


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