Learn about innovations in Agri-Tech

Tomorrow (Wednesday September 17th) sees the launch of a new series of 'Pollinators' from Agri-Tech East - regular network meetings where farmers and growers, researchers and technologists, entrepreneurs and investors and representatives from agri-business can meet to build links, exchange information and help accelerate new ideas to market.

Agri-Tech East's first Pollinator event will see two very different regional companies share their innovation needs and experiences. ProduceWorld is one of the largest expert growers and suppliers of fresh vegetables in Europe, with close links to the research community. Application of new innovations to increase productivity and sustainability is a major driver.

KisanHub is an agri-tech start-up company with a technology platform to help identify maximum yield potential of fields under particular crops. Having secured funding through the Eastern Agri-Tech Initiative, they are now seeking additional investment.

The Pollinator will be held at the Sainsbury Laboratory Cambridge at the Botanic Garden in Bateman Street on September 17 from 16.00-19.00. Cambridge Network members are encouraged to attend and benefit from a reduced entry fee.

Find out more and sign up here.


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