Learn more about Indefinite Leave to Remain Priority Service

Under the indefinite leave to remain priority service, ILR applicants can benefit from fast-tracked application processing for an additional fee.

Indefinite Leave to Remain Priority Service

When applying to settle in the UK, the standard processing time to receive a decision from UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) is currently advertised as up to 6 months. UKVI is the division of the Home Office responsible for issuing visa and immigration decisions, including applications for indefinite leave.

Under the indefinite leave to remain priority service, ILR applicants can benefit from fast-tracked application processing for an additional fee.

The ILR priority service provides a decision within 5 working days, although this does not guarantee a faster decision if your application is complicated or additional information or documentation is required. As such, in circumstances where UKVI needs to ask you for more information and clarify certain matters around your settlement application, a decision can take longer than the advertised fast-tracked timings.

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020 7494 0118

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