Let's #RewriteTheStory this World Diabetes Day

sugar cubes

Corazon Health writes: 

Worldwide 1 in 10 people were living with diabetes in 2021
More than 4.9 million people in the UK have diabetes
13.6 million of people in the UK are now at increased risk of type 2 diabetes

These numbers are scary, right? So let's #RewriteTheStory this World Diabetes Day by increasing our awareness of type 2 diabetes and how it could be prevented by following a healthy lifestyle. Head to our website to find a list of useful resources that will help you reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. 

Man having an appointment to check his blood glucose levels


Being diagnosed early is crucial for all types of diabetes - it can save lives, prevent a medical emergency, and reduce the risk of life-changing complications later. Help your employees to know their blood glucose levels by booking our Mini Medicals - onsite health checks designed to give employees a better understanding of their health and wellbeing. Mini Medicals can help discover abnormal blood glucose levels and encourage employees to see their GP for a diagnosis. Get in touch with us to find out more about Mini Medicals!

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