Lingang's Role in Global Innovation: A Strategic Partnership Opportunity

Lingang, situated in southeast Shanghai within the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, is rapidly emerging as a global leader in innovative technologies. Its strategic location between Pudong International Airport and Yangshan International Port positions it as a vital node in the global innovation network.

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Lingang aims to establish itself as a global innovation centre by 2035, with plans to attract world-class enterprises and foster innovation by 2025. While progress is steady, it's important to view these ambitious goals realistically.

The Shanghai RISC-V Digital Infrastructure Ecological Innovation Centre exemplifies Lingang's potential. Its recent launch of the world's first "RISC-V Vehicle-Road-Cloud Collaboration 1.0 Verification Demonstration System" showcases innovative work in smart transportation and intelligent connected vehicles. This project, involving 16 leading companies including SAIC Group and Neusoft, highlights Lingang's ability to attract international collaboration.

Excellence First Enterprise Consultancy (EFEC) is well-positioned to connect UK businesses with Lingang's innovative developments. EFEC's focus on emerging technologies in life sciences and cleantech aligns with Lingang's areas of advancement. EFEC's in2UK and in2China services can help UK companies navigate entry into both markets, leveraging Lingang's advancements.

Additionally, EFEC offers CognateUK, a talent development service that supports Chinese students in immersing themselves in the UK education system and transitioning smoothly into the UK job market. This initiative aims to prepare these students to contribute as global talents, enhancing the UK economy.

As Lingang continues to grow as an innovation hub, EFEC aims to help UK businesses access its benefits, fostering collaboration in an increasingly interconnected world.

Image: On August 10, 2024, "RISC-V Vehicle-Road-Cloud Collaboration 1.0 Verification Demonstration System" unveiled at the Shanghai RDI Eco-Innovation Centre (photo curtesy of Shanghai Lingang News)

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