Meet Cambridge achieves accolades for green impact initiatives

x2 white women standing in a lush green garden holding a grey slate award for Green Impact

The official conference and events bureau for Cambridge and the surrounding area has recently been given two coveted awards for its outstanding achievements in progressing the sustainability agenda.

Meet Cambridge secured the accolades at Cambridge University’s annual Green Impact Awards ceremony.  Green Impact is an award-winning United Nations programme, led by the National Union of Student’s SOS-UK team and is open to Colleges, departments and associated institutions looking to reduce their environmental impact. 

It was singled out for an Excellence Award for its engagement with the events community through the ‘Meet Up & Make a Difference’ positive impact campaign, which encompassed a ‘Shaping Sustainable Events’ summit held in Cambridge in April.

The team also maintained its Silver level award for ongoing initiatives resulting in environmental and sustainable changes in the office including promoting greater use of responsible travel, reducing waste output and conducting an energy audit.

For the Excellence Award, three detailed submissions focused on ideas and inspiration on how to host more sustainable events.

This culminated in the April summit which was attended by more than 120 clients and venue members meeting to discuss steps towards greater environmental and social sustainability – from using electronic registration badges through to serving a totally vegan and vegetarian lunch, created from local produce. Data from the event was also collected and will be used to map future strategies by the team.

Judith Sloane, Head of Meet Cambridge said: “I am incredibly proud of our team and these achievements. Everyone has worked so hard to embed sustainability into our day-to-day activities, as well as make it the theme for our major event earlier this year culminating in the promotion of the Meet Up & Make a Difference campaign to the wider events community. The ideas and planning encompassed every aspect of the summit, from choosing an accessible venue through to catering which we hope demonstrated best practice to those attending. Throughout the process we were reflecting and learning ourselves, as well as offering ideas and inspiration to others and our efforts will continue as we progress this very important agenda.”

Rachel Steward, Environment Team Manager added: "Well done to all the teams taking part in Green Impact – we have seen such high engagement this year! Whether this is your first time taking part, or you're building on sustainability initiatives that have been taking place for years, I'm proud to work alongside such passionate, creative people who strive for a more sustainable and just world."

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