Mills & Reeve commended in The Times’ Best Law Firms 2022

Mills & Reeve has featured in The Times’ annual guide to the best law firms in England and Wales for the fourth year in a row.

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The list features the top 200 legal practices in England and Wales plus Scotland's top 40 listed area and is a result of votes by lawyers for lawyers based on a simple question: “other than your own firm, which practice would you instruct in this area of work?” We have won recognition among our peers for outstanding work across a wide range of legal activities, being commended in this survey in 13 specialisms.

We were commended for administrative and public law, banking and finance, commercial dispute resolution, commercial property, company and commercial, education, employment, entertainment and sport, family, inheritance and succession, insurance, professional negligence and a new one for us, tax.

The report includes some our standout work over the year including a longstanding client in a £52 million financing of Berry Bros & Rudd, a series of cyberinsurance cases and our Life Questions app which was developed as the Covid-19 pandemic developed pace and allows users to put their affairs in order rapidly should they fear the worst. 

Statista, an international market research firm, asked solicitors and barristers in England and Wales earlier this year to recommend the best law firms in any of 26 categories covering business, public and private-client fields.

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