The 2025 Milner Therapeutics Consortium Call opened on 13 January, with an exciting new focus around pharma-led challenges.
Are you an academic at the University of Cambridge, Babraham or Wellcome Sanger Institutes? Do you have an idea for a potential pre-clinical collaborative project that would benefit from industry expertise and know-how? The Milner Therapeutics Institute are looking for project proposals that could provide solutions to current challenges in the following areas, and applications from cross-disciplinary teams are encouraged:
Neuroscience – Immunology & Inflammation – New technologies – Infectious Disease – Reproductive Medicine – Oncology – Metabolism and Cardiovascular disease
Our pharma partners in the Milner Therapeutics Consortium have identified topics for challenges that are a current priority for external collaboration with academics. These projects could provide a better understanding of a disease mechanism or discover and validate new therapeutic targets and can range from reagent sharing and 6-month pilots to 2-year postdoctoral funded collaborations. They are expected to lead to joint publications with the company partners.
Information webinar
To learn more, please register to attend our information and Q&A webinar on 27 January at 2pm.
Applications close on 7 March.
For full details, to download FAQs and an application form, please visit: